
Adult Braces: Why You’re Never Too Old for a Great Smile!

Woodhill Dental Specialties12/04/23

“Am I too old to get braces?” is a common question, but at Woodhill Dental Specialties, we have patients as young as 3 and as old as 93. It proves you’re never too old to get a beautiful smile! 

About 25% of orthodontic patients nationwide are adults, and about 35% of the patients here at Woodhill Dental Specialties. More adults are getting orthodontic treatment because braces now look less noticeable, and clear aligners are almost invisible. 

Should You Get Braces as an Adult?

“Are there adults with braces? Why should I get adult braces? Am I too old to get orthodontic treatment?” 

These are some of the questions we hear about braces for adults. Yes, adults can wear braces! Orthodontic treatment at any age can improve your smile, reduce headache and jaw pain, and improve your self-esteem. Those are just a few of the many benefits of braces treatment for adults. 

“I was an adult orthodontic patient myself,” said Dr. Johnson, one of our orthodontists at Woodhill Dental Specialties. “The most surprising thing to me was how great I felt about my smile when I was finished.”

Straighter teeth can boost your self-confidence. Straight teeth are also easier to clean than crooked teeth, leading to fewer instances of tooth decay or gum disease. We want you to keep a healthy smile for a lifetime. That’s why we say it’s never too late to get braces!

Types of Adult Braces

There are several types of braces today, as well as clear aligners. You don’t have to have the “mouthful of metal” your peers had when you were a teenager. Today’s braces are smaller, more discreet, and more efficient. They move the teeth more quickly and provide amazing results.

Metal Braces

The brackets on these braces are smaller than the traditional metal braces you remember. Woodhill Dental Specialties uses self-ligating braces, which don’t use elastics to hold the archwire in place. This makes the braces more comfortable. 

Clear Braces

Clear ceramic braces work just like regular braces, but the brackets are made to match the color of your teeth. This makes them more difficult to see. About 80% of our braces patients choose clear braces instead of metal ones. 

Lingual Braces

We offer lingual braces for those who don’t want any braces showing on their teeth. Lingual braces fit on the back and inside of the teeth (the tongue side). This keeps them hidden from view unless you open your mouth wide (don’t yawn!). 

Clear Aligners 

Clear aligners are a newer type of orthodontic treatment. Rather than using brackets and wires, clear aligners are made up of two acrylic trays that are custom-molded to your teeth. These trays are nearly invisible, so people may not realize you’re straightening your teeth! 

Considerations for Wearing Adult Braces

We encourage adults to get braces if they want to improve their smile. We will craft a treatment plan that works best for you, including what type of treatment you should get (braces vs. clear aligners). However, there are things to consider for adults that children may not need to worry about. 

Root Resorption

A loss of tooth structure called root resorption is possible in adult patients. Genetics, bone damage, medical issues, certain medications, and other factors can cause this. Root resorption is rare, but it can permanently damage your teeth. Your orthodontist will discuss this with you and provide a thorough examination before you begin orthodontic treatment. 

Bone Loss

Adults don’t regain lost bone like teenagers do because their bone has stopped growing. Bone develops through your teens and as late as into your early 20s, but then your bone is set. Bone loss most often comes from gum disease or injury, but other factors can cause bone loss. Talk with your orthodontist if you know or suspect you have bone loss. 

Tooth Extraction Spaces

It may be more difficult for adults to close large gaps in their teeth after tooth extraction or loss. This is because their bones do not regenerate. Your orthodontist may suggest alternatives, such as dental implants, to close these gaps. 

Self-Conscious Issues

Some adults feel self-conscious wearing braces. It’s not unusual, and it’s why we offer adults alternatives to metal braces. You may have many questions about your treatment, and we will happily answer them all.

What to Expect After Braces

Braces treatment can last 12-24 months for adults, slightly longer than for children. That’s because children’s jaws are still developing, so teeth can be moved more easily. But adult teeth can be moved, too. They also can move back toward their original positions once the braces come off. 


Just like with kids, adults will need to wear a retainer after braces treatment or clear aligners treatment. This orthodontic appliance stops your teeth from moving further or moving back toward where they were. 

There are three types of retainers to halt tooth movement: Hawley, Essix, and Permanent retainers. Hawley retainers are the classic style made of acrylic and wire. They are removable and hold your teeth in place with wires. 

Essix retainers look like clear aligners. They are custom-molded to your teeth and are nearly invisible. 

Permanent retainers are wires bonded to the back of your front teeth to hold them in place. They are almost impossible for someone else to see. 

You’ll first wear your retainers for at least 22 hours a day. After 6-12 months, we will reduce that time, likely to overnight while you sleep. 

Tooth Whitening

Many patients like to whiten their teeth after braces. Teeth whitening can be done professionally or with home kits. However, it may not help if you have white spots on your teeth after braces. 

White spots after braces are caused by a lack of good oral hygiene during treatment. Plaque left sitting on the tooth can demineralize the enamel, leaving white spots. That’s why maintaining good oral hygiene during treatment is so important. It’s also important to brush and floss regularly after treatment to keep your new smile healthy. 

Orthodontics for Adults Near Me in Dallas, TX

Are you ready for braces and clear aligners? Do you have more questions about adult braces? Woodhill Dental Specialties has the answers! 

Book an appointment with us if you’re in Dallas or Rockwall, TX. We can show you how a new smile can change your appearance and enhance your overall health.

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